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Tuesday, November 29, 2011


I did a search on Google for myself and I discovered that I am not internet known.The name I looked up was Maria Alvarado because it's the one I use the most online but nothing on me came up.
Social networking sites were the first to show up as results on Google but that yet that didn't take me to anything on me. 

Personal Reaction: I felt like I am not as known online and it was a good and bad feeling all at once. I knew that I should be known for doing good things. For example, this blog full of academic material others can use. But I felt like my name/identity is safe because no one knows who I am online and people won't find information on me online either.



  1. Marie!

    I felt the same way, nothing came up when I looked myself up. I was also feeling ambivalent towards this.

  2. You might want to try searching your email. Tatiana told me you find more about yourself with that.

  3. Jessica, you just helped me learn a new word!
    I didn't know what ambivalent meant.

    Lupe,thank you! I'm going to try that right now. I would've never thought of doing that. Have you tried it?
