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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The BIG Question

Where did the human really come from and when? What evidence was found and recorded? How reliable is the evidence found? I have always wanted to know the answer to this question and I'm sure I will find many different answers but I'd like to find the truth.


  1. Are you going to consider any of the religious research you find or are you looking for stright scientific facts?

    (suggestion: change color of font, kind of hard to read)

  2. I second that. Are you looking for scientific, philosophical answers or both? There is the big bang theory, Darwin's Evolution of Species, The Bible, The Torah, The Qur'an, as well as Eastern doctrines as well. Good luck in answering such a huge question.

  3. I'm trying to fix everything on my blog but the color keeps changing on it's own. I'm sorry. I will get on that.
    And I changed my question completely but if I had kept this one I would've search both sides.
