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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

"To Facebook or Not to Facebook"

      The initial impressions of Facebook to me was that it was any like any other typical social networking place. It was a lot like myspace when I first started using it but now it is so well developed that it's completely different from all social networking applications I use. The advantages of Facebook are that people from all over the world with a working computer with internet access can communicate with each other. Fo example, I use it to get help on homework or talk to friends when I am "bored". Facebook is "frictionless", meaning it is so easy to use that most people go on because they like not having to put a lot of effort into communicating with friends online, compared to other social networking applications that are impossible to learn how to use. The disadvantages of Facebook are that all the information that is put into one's profile is exposed for millions and millions to see without us even getting notice. Facebook changed the world of social networking but also brought in huge risks with it because as I read in the article I realized that Zuckerberg does not care about peoples' privacy, he cares about the money. Reading the article and the in class discussion informed my thinking by letting me know of all the dangers there are everyday when I log onto Facebook and "like" posts or post pictures from my phone. I helped me become a more alert person and careful about what I do online.

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