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Monday, April 30, 2012

AP Exam Study Journal: Day 1

So far to keep studying for the upcoming AP exam I have kept reading over the reference page Preston has up on his blog. I had my writers conference with Preston today and got an 8.5 on my Macbeth essay. He said I did really well on my transitions and that made me very happy because I had worked especially hard to perfect my use of them.

I am having a difficult time right now with making better pre-writes. With the Macbeth essay I did a pre-write and it helped me A LOT during the actual writing of the essay. I think I need to help find better set ups to do everything. I only know the bubble chart which was used in elementary school and need some new idea. If you have anything that may help please comment!!!! i would highly appreciate it.

The literary terms quiz for the last terms left will be soon and at this moment I am studying. To get a better use of my time I am making flashcards, quizzing myself and having my little sister give me practice tests. I think that so far the most effective has been the flash cards.

For further use of spare time I will continue to post on the different articles I read on the AP Exam Reference page.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

AP Exam Study #1

I read Analyzing The Essay Prompt and learned that there is a lot of steps I should take before actually beginning to write my essay. I thought that the hardest  part for me was reading through the poem and being able to tell what the iambic pentameter. I never really had taken the time to determine the patterns of poems and the way the syntax helped the poem's point develop.

I learned that in order to fully understand a poem or any piece of literature, I need to read the poem once thoroughly, a second time and start identifying elements in it and a third time to grasp the meaning of the poem and find more lit. elements. I liked the fact that now when I read an essay prompt I will be able to identify words that let me write with more freedom.

The prompt in this work, asked to " describe the author's attitude". The words describe and attitude are words that give freedoms to the writer. Describe can mean explain, analyze, interpret, argue, or theorize as long as it describes the author's attitude. Attitude can mean, ideas, conceptions, values, judgments and beliefs. As well as feelings, emotions, reactions and tones of voice. The more you reread the prompt, the more you will find a way to make the essay easier to write.

This is the link to where I read Analyzing The Essay Prompt:
(Scroll down to find it but feel free to read as many as you'd like to prepare yourself for the AP Test)


Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Recommended Essay Questions

Prose Essay Prompts

1. 1977 No prose selection (instead, had the following prompt: A character’s attempt to recapture or reject the past is important in many plays, novels, and poems. Choose a work in which a character views the past with such feelings as reverence, bitterness, or longing. Show with clear evidence how the character’s view of the past is used to develop a theme in the work.)

2. 2004 Henry James’s “The Pupil” (1891): Analyze the author’s depiction of the three characters and the relationships among them. Pay particular attention to tone and point of view.

3. 2009B Zorah Neale Hurston’s Seraph on the Suwanee (1948): Analyze the literary techniques Hurston uses to describe Sawley and to characterize the people who live there.

                                                                   Open Essay Prompts

1. 1983 From a novel or play of literary merit, select an important character who
is avillain. Then, in a well-organized essay, analyze the nature of the character s
villainy and show how it enhances meaning in the work. Do not summarize plot.

Monday, April 23, 2012

My Plan

At this point in this course it is time to straighten out and get things done. This is my plan to succeed in the AP Exam and overall in the class.

1. Create a study group that has the same issues as me in writing (transitions and thesis).

2. Stay on top of class assignments and stay up to date with my blog.

3. Take notes on lectures or anything that is 0f any significance to me.

4. Take practice AP tests that have been posted on Dr.Preston's blog (http://drprestonsrhsenglitcomp.blogspot.com/).

5. Use outside resources to get questions answered or use my peers and their blogs.

6. Make study time for myself at least 3 times a week to keep information fresh in my mind.